Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday Indeed

More random learnings for the day:

According to Janet, it rains at 3pm every Good Friday
except for the antarctic

I wasn't really paying attention
but Jesus made it the Bethlehem before being betrayed by some Jews
and because he's been walking in the desert for 40 days without food or water
he needed lots of it when he arrived.

The morning email was a refreshing one
it's always a kick looking out for your agency name when a shortlist comes out
it's a little like checking the lottery
you know how that excitement usually ends up...
sick, disgusted, and ashamed at your initial enthusiasm at something so obvious a longshot
a little like jerking off when you're bored
(why did i do it? poor lil fellas... )

well we made it to the finalist for Canon Goes Green interactive
I harbour no hope for integrated
Malaysia's got a long way to go
the sooner we stop scamming and winning posters
the more time we have prepping for some real work
i mean, CGG took 9 months preparation + execution
looking at them titanium winners at Cannes
that's gotta take just as long, judging by the magnitude of the execution and idea

Well, fingers crossed.
Would make a nice paperweight, that One Show pencil.

Lunchtime was just as entertaining
I did the 'pop-the-question' tour of duty
after much procrastination and work in between
suet volunteered
couldn't have chosen a better person

i've got some shortlists...
it's a little inconvenient to post this now with the human traffic around the house
i'll fill you in later.

got some work sorted
some interesting projects that definitely makes it all worthwhile
as always
fingers crossed we're going in guns blazing with all our dentsu GROs/creatives this coming week

best of all... continuing one of the reasons i started this blog...
Day 3 of louhung capoeira training at the park!

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