it's that if you wanna grab some grub before class
it better not be heavy protein-based stuff
complex food, like pork balls, beef, chicken.. anything that needs your digestive juices to get going
don't even go near there
more blood gushes through the gut to get to work
meaning less blood circulating through the rest of your soon-to-be-abused muscles
post class discussion concludes according to Terry that light protein like eggs are fine (i agree)
i usually drop in two bricks of weetabix and some milk
i fart a bit in class
though nobody notices (cept when we do sit ups... they can get quite taxing on the abdominal muscles... all those clenching motion has to go somewhere)
i always liked ginga drills
it's amazing what you can learn from your partner just by the way they move
tempo rasteida. nuff said.
tried. tested. now gonna train it.
i deceptively simple move to execute
you lack the pizzaz of the more intimidating and obvious tempo version
but the slight shift in position into an opposite side compasso can mean destruction to someone's face (just ask durim's hands... thanks durim)
it's also the most deceptively simple yet tiring drill
you need to plant your foot back into the ginga after the armada and then shift your weight the other way.
sneaky. do it right. you also train negativa dentro, vengativa and an entrada to a rasteida.
hamstring was so tight i let off a girly 'eeep' on my first compasso
damn you hamstring
very nice alternative for regional games
just a change in pace timed right will throw the opponent off
specially when you're doing 3, 4 kicks in the same direction
flashy too
so you can actually use the tempo to fake the compasso to move in for a tesoura or whatever
still no ponche walk
but thanks terry and catatao for helping me out with the drill
also very tiring
i don't know, i think the memory pillow i bought actually saps your strength because it WANTS you to sleep on it
evil pillow!
i just realised i don't know how to spell qaeshada... anyone?
An interesting drill, we've done it a hundred times
yet it's in the little details before you step into the vengativa that's important
one small lil step
if you're committed, step into negativa front and shift your weight
a sneakier option is practicing the ginga... take a small step in front instead of stepping to the side when gingaing
he'll never know what hit him
the holy grail
well quek's been pulling it off a coupla times
i suspect it's a body mass issue here
for smaller framed people, i seriously think tesoura frenche's a more practical/elegant option
just looking at Durim and Catatao dry humping each other is enough to make me reconsider attempting so freudian in the roda
Durim - 60kgs. Me - 58kgs. Catatao - 85 mother-lovin kgs.
Catatao tesouraed me and my leg got caught in the process, semi spraining my knee from the sheer can-opener movement and 85kg leverage
with Durim it's a little more different, i catch him early, he falls forward... a nastier tesoura is to catch his hand instead, judo-style (ouch)
will try this with quek another day
ok well that's it for day 5.
iranian. please join class.
politia. thanks for the water and entertaining chat.
hamstring. man the fuck up.
left knee. i have a desk job, so you've got no excuse either.
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