Monday, April 20, 2009

Day 8. The lethargydargy continues

We had a repeat roda on sunday.
Was lookin forward to some good ol' fun filled roda
Roda's always good no matter what
puts the ol' smile to good use.

This roda was a bit lacklustre
coupla basic games
Kicks are still going good
vision is still definitive
benguela-esque ground moves
Surprised to see Durim play a more tactical benguela game with me
Good to see Perereka back in the fray, gotta say i miss him
Good recap i guess
didn't pull off any fancy moves compared to the last one
me hamstrings are hamming up the moves
Quek's also lethargydargy
but still manage to pwn Malcolm with a workman-like rasteida

Music was a little lacklustre
The group still needs to learn that the roda happens whether you're in a jogo or not
when you're in a roda, you are in the roda
whether you're in the bataria, or as part of the circle
never underestimate the energy you emit
and the power of a voice
and the strength of a group as a whole

in the meantime
i shall nurse my hamstring by cross-training some weights in between
quek's schedule and mine permitting
i can never bring myself to gym on my own
i still prefer playing...
good night.

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