lookin forward to some nice sunshine
don't get that much at work
it's gonna be a glorious flippety-flot day indeed
decided to warm-up with a buncha kids ranging from a quarter of my age, to the oldest being a third.
yes. i'm that old/they're that young depending on the half-empty/half-full point-of-view
was a good runabout
quek decide to join me
i feel a tear and searing heat/pain
looked at my foot, and the sole ripped open a fresh blister
my feet used to be much tougher
must be the lack of capoeira conditioning
and the fact that we did lotsa high impact gingas in the previous training
whatever the reason
it is the cause of the demise of my flippety-flop afternoon
quek did a coupla elegant mortals
nice height and very clean tuck
well it's off to the training area for some upper body resistance training
Push ups - 2, assisted. second attempt - 3, assisted
I. Am. A. Weakling.
situp bench, incline - 30 curlups. 30 reverse curlups. not too bad thanks to benguela/30-year-old trunk
pushups - 30, okler, standard
horizontal bar chest pullups - 2x10.
dips - 2x5
hanging leg swivel - 10, half height
discovered a nice simple shoulder stretch though
shall do it more often
hmm after blogging it down
the above doesn't look like i did much
must work on my strength.
maybe waiting on my pansy fairy feet to heel up (yes! my first blog pun!) i shall do so
eh pull ups la not push ups.... if you can only do 2 assisted push ups.... dem sad lor